JUNE 30, 2024

a big crowd of people and rainbows marching in bogotá with the el tiempo building in the background

a storefront with a sign above it: anime store

another big crowd of people and rainbows marching in bogotá

con genocidio no hay orgullo.

pero la gente sí estaba relinda
sonriendo bajo el sol.
y el man vendiendo cerveza,
fumando bareta,
me hizo reír

currently listening to:


JUNE 27, 2024

a dark picture i took out my window at night

i am certain of a few things:
it is cold at night now,
and the rain comes more often,
and i am putting off
replying to
the one friend i've made in the last ten years

currently listening to:


JUNE 20, 2024

anabel the calico cat in her bed in the sun

our cat
is deaf now
we didn't know

easily surprised
if you're not careful
says with a chirp
"i didn't hear you coming"

currently listening to:


JUNE 16, 2024

a picture of poppies on top of a stack of books

you're lying in the hammock
and laughing at the words,
and then suddenly
i'm laughing too

currently listening to:


JUNE 12, 2024

a diagram of a fish sketched out on notebook paper

are the mysteries
for shade
and consolation?
or do they rain down
spiky seed pods
like the semen trees
a block from here?

currently listening to:

antonio-vivaldi-_europa-galante_fabio-biondi_-argippo-_-rv-anh-_-137_-act I_-scene 1_-aria.mp3

JUNE 9, 2024

a tea bag against a white wall

old friends old life old face

currently listening to:


JUNE 5, 2024

street art thinly painted over with gray and white paint

a man says no to the community
and yes to gray walls

but i have seen them build such ugly things,
which no color paint can hide

currently listening to:


JUNE 2, 2024

an onibaba sticker stuck on a street light

speechless among the roses,
the indoor rain,
the kids,
their screaming hall.

here, between the cerros and the sky,
guide our editor's forgetting hand —
leave me no lines,
only your face

currently listening to:


a scan of my hand with 'misc.' written on it